Version 1.3.1
NMSIS DSP Software Library
►Examples | |
Bayes Example | |
Class Marks Example | |
Convolution Example | |
Dot Product Example | |
Frequency Bin Example | |
FIR Lowpass Filter Example | |
Graphic Audio Equalizer Example | |
Linear Interpolate Example | NMSIS DSP Software Library – Linear Interpolate Example |
Matrix Example | |
Signal Convergence Example | |
SineCosine Example | |
SVM Example | |
Variance Example | |
►Basic Math Functions | |
Vector Absolute Value | Computes the absolute value of a vector on an element-by-element basis |
Vector Addition | Element-by-element addition of two vectors |
Vector bitwise AND | Compute the logical bitwise AND |
Elementwise clipping | Element-by-element clipping of a value |
Vector Dot Product | Computes the dot product of two vectors. The vectors are multiplied element-by-element and then summed |
Vector Multiplication | Element-by-element multiplication of two vectors |
Vector Negate | Negates the elements of a vector |
Vector bitwise NOT | Compute the logical bitwise NOT |
Vector Offset | Adds a constant offset to each element of a vector |
Vector bitwise inclusive OR | Compute the logical bitwise OR |
Vector Scale | Multiply a vector by a scalar value. For floating-point data, the algorithm used is: |
Vector Shift | Shifts the elements of a fixed-point vector by a specified number of bits. There are separate functions for Q7, Q15, and Q31 data types. The underlying algorithm used is: |
Vector Subtraction | Element-by-element subtraction of two vectors |
Vector bitwise exclusive OR | Compute the logical bitwise XOR |
Bayesian estimators | Implement the naive gaussian Bayes estimator. The training must be done from scikit-learn |
►Complex Math Functions | This set of functions operates on complex data vectors. The data in the complex arrays is stored in an interleaved fashion (real, imag, real, imag, ...). In the API functions, the number of samples in a complex array refers to the number of complex values; the array contains twice this number of real values |
Complex Conjugate | Conjugates the elements of a complex data vector |
Complex Dot Product | Computes the dot product of two complex vectors. The vectors are multiplied element-by-element and then summed |
Complex Magnitude | Computes the magnitude of the elements of a complex data vector |
Complex Magnitude Squared | Computes the magnitude squared of the elements of a complex data vector |
Complex-by-Complex Multiplication | Multiplies a complex vector by another complex vector and generates a complex result. The data in the complex arrays is stored in an interleaved fashion (real, imag, real, imag, ...). The parameter numSamples represents the number of complex samples processed. The complex arrays have a total of 2*numSamples real values |
Complex-by-Real Multiplication | Multiplies a complex vector by a real vector and generates a complex result. The data in the complex arrays is stored in an interleaved fashion (real, imag, real, imag, ...). The parameter numSamples represents the number of complex samples processed. The complex arrays have a total of 2*numSamples real values while the real array has a total of numSamples real values |
►Controller Functions | |
Sine Cosine | Computes the trigonometric sine and cosine values using a combination of table lookup and linear interpolation. There are separate functions for Q31 and floating-point data types. The input to the floating-point version is in degrees while the fixed-point Q31 have a scaled input with the range [-1 0.9999] mapping to [-180 +180] degrees |
PID Motor Control | A Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) controller is a generic feedback control loop mechanism widely used in industrial control systems. A PID controller is the most commonly used type of feedback controller |
Vector Park Transform | Forward Park transform converts the input two-coordinate vector to flux and torque components. The Park transform can be used to realize the transformation of the Ialpha and the Ibeta currents from the stationary to the moving reference frame and control the spatial relationship between the stator vector current and rotor flux vector. If we consider the d axis aligned with the rotor flux, the diagram below shows the current vector and the relationship from the two reference frames: |
Vector Inverse Park transform | Inverse Park transform converts the input flux and torque components to two-coordinate vector |
Vector Clarke Transform | Forward Clarke transform converts the instantaneous stator phases into a two-coordinate time invariant vector. Generally the Clarke transform uses three-phase currents Ia, Ib and Ic to calculate currents in the two-phase orthogonal stator axis Ialpha and Ibeta . When Ialpha is superposed with Ia as shown in the figure below |
Vector Inverse Clarke Transform | Inverse Clarke transform converts the two-coordinate time invariant vector into instantaneous stator phases |
►Distance Functions | Distance functions for use with clustering algorithms. There are distance functions for float vectors and boolean vectors |
►Float Distances | Distances between two vectors of float values |
Bray-Curtis distance | Bray-Curtis distance between two vectors |
Canberra distance | Canberra distance |
Chebyshev distance | Chebyshev distance |
Cityblock (Manhattan) distance | Cityblock (Manhattan) distance |
Correlation distance | Correlation distance |
Cosine distance | Cosine distance |
Dynamic Time Warping Distance | Dynamic Time Warping Distance |
Euclidean distance | Euclidean distance |
Jensen-Shannon distance | Jensen-Shannon distance |
Minkowski distance | Minkowski distance |
Boolean Distances | Distances between two vectors of boolean values |
►Fast Math Functions | This set of functions provides a fast approximation to sine, cosine, and square root. As compared to most of the other functions in the NMSIS math library, the fast math functions operate on individual values and not arrays. There are separate functions for Q15, Q31, and floating-point data |
ArcTan2 | Computing Arc tangent only using the ratio y/x is not enough to determine the angle since there is an indeterminacy. Opposite quadrants are giving the same ratio |
Cosine | Computes the trigonometric cosine function using a combination of table lookup and linear interpolation. There are separate functions for Q15, Q31, and floating-point data types. The input to the floating-point version is in radians while the fixed-point Q15 and Q31 have a scaled input with the range [0 +0.9999] mapping to [0 2*pi). The fixed-point range is chosen so that a value of 2*pi wraps around to 0 |
Fixed point division | |
Sine | Computes the trigonometric sine function using a combination of table lookup and linear interpolation. There are separate functions for Q15, Q31, and floating-point data types. The input to the floating-point version is in radians while the fixed-point Q15 and Q31 have a scaled input with the range [0 +0.9999] mapping to [0 2*pi). The fixed-point range is chosen so that a value of 2*pi wraps around to 0 |
Vector Exponential | Compute the exp values of a vector of samples |
Vector Log | Compute the log values of a vector of samples |
Square Root | Computes the square root of a number. There are separate functions for Q15, Q31, and floating-point data types. The square root function is computed using the Newton-Raphson algorithm. This is an iterative algorithm of the form: |
►Filtering Functions | |
High Precision Q31 Biquad Cascade Filter | This function implements a high precision Biquad cascade filter which operates on Q31 data values. The filter coefficients are in 1.31 format and the state variables are in 1.63 format. The double precision state variables reduce quantization noise in the filter and provide a cleaner output. These filters are particularly useful when implementing filters in which the singularities are close to the unit circle. This is common for low pass or high pass filters with very low cutoff frequencies |
Biquad Cascade IIR Filters Using Direct Form I Structure | This set of functions implements arbitrary order recursive (IIR) filters. The filters are implemented as a cascade of second order Biquad sections. The functions support Q15, Q31 and floating-point data types. Fast version of Q15 and Q31 also available |
Biquad Cascade IIR Filters Using a Direct Form II Transposed Structure | This set of functions implements arbitrary order recursive (IIR) filters using a transposed direct form II structure. The filters are implemented as a cascade of second order Biquad sections. These functions provide a slight memory savings as compared to the direct form I Biquad filter functions. Only floating-point data is supported |
Convolution | Convolution is a mathematical operation that operates on two finite length vectors to generate a finite length output vector. Convolution is similar to correlation and is frequently used in filtering and data analysis. The NMSIS DSP library contains functions for convolving Q7, Q15, Q31, and floating-point data types. The library also provides fast versions of the Q15 and Q31 functions |
Partial Convolution | Partial Convolution is equivalent to Convolution except that a subset of the output samples is generated. Each function has two additional arguments. firstIndex specifies the starting index of the subset of output samples. numPoints is the number of output samples to compute. The function computes the output in the range [firstIndex, ..., firstIndex+numPoints-1] . The output array pDst contains numPoints values |
Correlation | Correlation is a mathematical operation that is similar to convolution. As with convolution, correlation uses two signals to produce a third signal. The underlying algorithms in correlation and convolution are identical except that one of the inputs is flipped in convolution. Correlation is commonly used to measure the similarity between two signals. It has applications in pattern recognition, cryptanalysis, and searching. The NMSIS library provides correlation functions for Q7, Q15, Q31 and floating-point data types. Fast versions of the Q15 and Q31 functions are also provided |
Finite Impulse Response (FIR) Decimator | These functions combine an FIR filter together with a decimator. They are used in multirate systems for reducing the sample rate of a signal without introducing aliasing distortion. Conceptually, the functions are equivalent to the block diagram below: |
Finite Impulse Response (FIR) Filters | This set of functions implements Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filters for Q7, Q15, Q31, and floating-point data types. Fast versions of Q15 and Q31 are also provided. The functions operate on blocks of input and output data and each call to the function processes blockSize samples through the filter. pSrc and pDst points to input and output arrays containing blockSize values |
Finite Impulse Response (FIR) Lattice Filters | |
Finite Impulse Response (FIR) Sparse Filters | |
Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) Lattice Filters | This set of functions implements lattice filters for Q15, Q31 and floating-point data types. Lattice filters are used in a variety of adaptive filter applications. The filter structure has feedforward and feedback components and the net impulse response is infinite length. The functions operate on blocks of input and output data and each call to the function processes blockSize samples through the filter. pSrc and pDst point to input and output arrays containing blockSize values |
Levinson Durbin Algorithm | |
Least Mean Square (LMS) Filters | LMS filters are a class of adaptive filters that are able to "learn" an unknown transfer functions. LMS filters use a gradient descent method in which the filter coefficients are updated based on the instantaneous error signal. Adaptive filters are often used in communication systems, equalizers, and noise removal. The NMSIS DSP Library contains LMS filter functions that operate on Q15, Q31, and floating-point data types. The library also contains normalized LMS filters in which the filter coefficient adaptation is indepedent of the level of the input signal |
Normalized LMS Filters | This set of functions implements a commonly used adaptive filter. It is related to the Least Mean Square (LMS) adaptive filter and includes an additional normalization factor which increases the adaptation rate of the filter. The NMSIS DSP Library contains normalized LMS filter functions that operate on Q15, Q31, and floating-point data types |
Finite Impulse Response (FIR) Interpolator | These functions combine an upsampler (zero stuffer) and an FIR filter. They are used in multirate systems for increasing the sample rate of a signal without introducing high frequency images. Conceptually, the functions are equivalent to the block diagram below: |
►Interpolation Functions | These functions perform 1- and 2-dimensional interpolation of data. Linear interpolation is used for 1-dimensional data and bilinear interpolation is used for 2-dimensional data |
Bilinear Interpolation | Bilinear interpolation is an extension of linear interpolation applied to a two dimensional grid. The underlying function f(x, y) is sampled on a regular grid and the interpolation process determines values between the grid points. Bilinear interpolation is equivalent to two step linear interpolation, first in the x-dimension and then in the y-dimension. Bilinear interpolation is often used in image processing to rescale images. The NMSIS DSP library provides bilinear interpolation functions for Q7, Q15, Q31, and floating-point data types |
Linear Interpolation | Linear interpolation is a method of curve fitting using linear polynomials. Linear interpolation works by effectively drawing a straight line between two neighboring samples and returning the appropriate point along that line |
Cubic Spline Interpolation | Spline interpolation is a method of interpolation where the interpolant is a piecewise-defined polynomial called "spline" |
►Matrix Functions | This set of functions provides basic matrix math operations. The functions operate on matrix data structures. For example, the type definition for the floating-point matrix structure is shown below: |
Householder transform of a vector | Computes the Householder transform of a vector x |
Matrix Addition | Adds two matrices |
Cholesky and LDLT decompositions | Computes the Cholesky or LL^t decomposition of a matrix |
Complex Matrix Multiplication | Complex Matrix multiplication is only defined if the number of columns of the first matrix equals the number of rows of the second matrix. Multiplying an M x N matrix with an N x P matrix results in an M x P matrix |
Complex Matrix Transpose | Tranposes a complex matrix |
Matrix Initialization | Initializes the underlying matrix data structure. The functions set the numRows , numCols , and pData fields of the matrix data structure |
Matrix Inverse | Computes the inverse of a matrix |
Matrix Multiplication | Multiplies two matrices |
QR decomposition of a Matrix | Computes the QR decomposition of a matrix M using Householder algorithm |
Matrix Scale | Multiplies a matrix by a scalar. This is accomplished by multiplying each element in the matrix by the scalar. For example: |
Matrix Subtraction | Subtract two matrices |
Matrix Transpose | Tranposes a matrix |
Matrix Vector Multiplication | Multiplies a matrix and a vector |
►Quaternion Math Functions | Functions to operates on quaternions and convert between a rotation and quaternion representation |
►Quaternion conversions | Conversions between quaternion and rotation representations |
Quaternion to Rotation | Conversions from quaternion to rotation |
Rotation to Quaternion | Conversions from rotation to quaternion |
Quaternion Conjugate | Compute the conjugate of a quaternion |
Quaternion Inverse | Compute the inverse of a quaternion |
Quaternion Norm | Compute the norm of a quaternion |
Quaternion normalization | Compute a normalized quaternion |
►Quaternion Product | Compute the product of quaternions |
Elementwise Quaternion Product | Compute the elementwise product of quaternions |
Quaternion Product | Compute the product of two quaternions |
►Statistics Functions | |
Absolute Maximum | Computes the maximum value of absolute values of an array of data. The function returns both the maximum value and its position within the array. There are separate functions for floating-point, Q31, Q15, and Q7 data types |
Absolute Minimum | Computes the minimum value of absolute values of an array of data. The function returns both the minimum value and its position within the array. There are separate functions for floating-point, Q31, Q15, and Q7 data types |
Accumulation functions | Calculates the accumulation of the input vector. Sum is defined as the addition of the elements in the vector. The underlying algorithm is used: |
Entropy | Computes the entropy of a distribution |
Kullback-Leibler divergence | Computes the Kullback-Leibler divergence between two distributions |
LogSumExp | LogSumExp optimizations to compute sum of probabilities with Gaussian distributions |
Maximum | Computes the maximum value of an array of data. The function returns both the maximum value and its position within the array. There are separate functions for floating-point, Q31, Q15, and Q7 data types |
Mean | Calculates the mean of the input vector. Mean is defined as the average of the elements in the vector. The underlying algorithm is used: |
Minimum | Computes the minimum value of an array of data. The function returns both the minimum value and its position within the array. There are separate functions for floating-point, Q31, Q15, and Q7 data types |
Mean Square Error | Calculates the mean square error between two vectors |
Power | Calculates the sum of the squares of the elements in the input vector. The underlying algorithm is used: |
Root mean square (RMS) | Calculates the Root Mean Square of the elements in the input vector. The underlying algorithm is used: |
Standard deviation | Calculates the standard deviation of the elements in the input vector |
Variance | Calculates the variance of the elements in the input vector. The underlying algorithm used is the direct method sometimes referred to as the two-pass method: |
►Support Functions | |
Typecasting | |
Barycenter | Barycenter of weighted vectors |
Vector sorting algorithms | Sort the elements of a vector |
Vector Copy | Copies sample by sample from source vector to destination vector |
Convert 16-bit floating point value | |
Convert 64-bit floating point value | |
Vector Fill | Fills the destination vector with a constant value |
Convert 32-bit floating point value | |
Convert 16-bit fixed point value | |
Convert 32-bit fixed point value | |
Convert 8-bit fixed point value | |
Weighted Average | Weighted average of values |
►SVM Functions | This set of functions is implementing SVM classification on 2 classes. The training must be done from scikit-learn. The parameters can be easily generated from the scikit-learn object. Some examples are given in DSP/Testing/PatternGeneration/SVM.py |
Linear SVM | Linear SVM classifier |
Polynomial SVM | Polynomial SVM classifier |
RBF SVM | RBF SVM classifier |
Sigmoid SVM | Sigmoid SVM classifier |
►Transform Functions | |
►Complex FFT Functions | |
Complex FFT Tables | |
Complex FFT F16 | |
Complex FFT F32 | |
Complex FFT F64 | |
Complex FFT Q15 | |
Complex FFT Q31 | |
Deprecated Complex FFT functions | |
►DCT Type IV Functions | Representation of signals by minimum number of values is important for storage and transmission. The possibility of large discontinuity between the beginning and end of a period of a signal in DFT can be avoided by extending the signal so that it is even-symmetric. Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) is constructed such that its energy is heavily concentrated in the lower part of the spectrum and is very widely used in signal and image coding applications. The family of DCTs (DCT type- 1,2,3,4) is the outcome of different combinations of homogeneous boundary conditions. DCT has an excellent energy-packing capability, hence has many applications and in data compression in particular |
DCT Type IV Tables | |
DCT4 F32 | |
DCT4 Q15 | |
DCT4 Q31 | |
►MFCC | MFCC Transform |
MFCC F32 | |
MFCC F16 | |
MFCC Q15 | |
MFCC Q31 | |
►Real FFT Functions | |
Real FFT F16 Functions | |
Real FFT F64 Functions | |
Real FFT Q15 Functions | |
Real FFT Q31 Functions | |
Real FFT Tables | |
Real FFT F32 Functions | |
Deprecated Real FFT Functions | |
►Window Functions | |
►Flat-top window functions | Use those windows when you need to estimate the amplitude of a tone |
Hft116d window function (116.8 dB) | |
Hft144d window function (144.1 dB) | |
Hft169d window function (169.5 dB) | |
Hft196d window function (196.2 dB) | |
Hft223d window function (223.0 dB) | |
Hft248d window function (248.4 dB) | |
Hft90d window function (90.2 dB) | |
Hft95 window function (95.0 dB) | |
►Regular window functions | Regular window functions that can be used for detecting tones or estimating the noise. If you need to estimate the amplitude of a tones, prefer a flat top window |
Bartlett window function (26.5 dB) | |
Blackman Harris window function (92 dB) | |
Hamming window function (42.7 dB) | |
Hanning window function (31.5 dB) | |
Nuttall3 window function (46.7 dB) | |
Nuttall3a window function (64.2 dB) | |
Nuttall3b window function (71.5 dB) | |
Nuttall4 window function (60.9 dB) | |
Nuttall4a window function (82.6 dB) | |
Nuttall4b window function (93.3 dB) | |
Nuttall4c window function (98.1 dB) | |
Welch window function (21.3 dB) | |
Generic Types |